Friday, October 30, 2015

The Petition!

The petition has been approved!!!!!!!!
Below is a copy! Click here to sign it!

Petition Background (Preamble):

We want to create a law that will provide subsidies to health food companies and subsequently allow grocers to lower the costs of healthy foods for everyone, not just a select group of people.

Organizations like WIC and Food Stamps provide healthy foods for the poor and food insecure but what about the rest of the population? The ones who don't qualify for those helpful tools or maybe don't have kids (for WIC)? The ones who make enough to survive and live, but not enough to eat healthy foods? They deserve the same good foods as the others... regardless of income. We have emphasized low income families for the sake of providing our basis, but in all actuality we are hoping to provide healthy foods to all families, not just the ones in dire need.

In order to provide adequate food to each of these, we would need to spend over 24 BILLION dollars nationally. Imagine, now, what this does. If you know that you do not have enough money to feed your family, what are your options? 

Steal (which decreases the values of stores in your community) 
Go to a kitchen (which is usually funded by government grants) 
Get aid (which, again, is government funded) or 

Only the last option does not take it's financial toll on the government.


We, the undersigned, call on the Office of Federal Management Financial Standards and Grants Branch to provide subsidies and grants to health food companies (like Dole) to bring the cost of healthy foods down.

This includes fresh foods and frozen. This will bring the costs down for all consumers, because it will effect how much the grocers can charge.

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